G230 Academy

G230 Information Flyers
The goal of the G230 Academy is to provide students who would benefit from a non-traditional classroom setting with an opportunity to obtain academic credit and extended teacher that will lead to the earning of a high school diploma.
Priority is given to 12th grade students who are deficient in credits and need recovery intervention in order to make up credits and receive a diploma. Students who achieve sufficient credit recovery prior to graduation will graduate with their comprehensive high school. G230 students do have the option for early graduation if they satisfy all requirements.
All High Schools & Pearson Education Center
Monday - Friday
Two in-person sessions available:
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM OR 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Main Curriculum Source:
Credit Recovery:
Varies per students as this is a self-paced program
Ideal G230 Students are:
11th-12th grade students
Motivated to improve graduation status
In need of flexible school schedule
G230 Academy @ Pearson Updates
Who Attends?
Down Credits - High school juniors and seniors who are deficient credits, need recovery intervention and accelerated options to make up credits and get back on track for graduation. Seniors have priority but junior referrals are accepted,
Special Circumstances
Students identified as at-risk of dropping out and who, for a variety of reasons, have found that the traditional structure of a comprehensive site is not the ideal learning environment for them.
Students who demonstrate skills in organization, motivation, and self-discipline that would make an individualized, on-line learning environment more suitable for their learning style and success.
Students must be able to attend classes daily and provide their own transportation.
Students must demonstrate behavior consistent with a quiet, productive learning environment.
How Is a Student Enrolled?
High school administrators and counselors refer students to the G230 Academy. Enrollment depends on available space. When the program reaches capacity, subsequent referrals are placed on a waitlist until space becomes available. G230 Academy staff notify counselors and/or students or parents when space opens up and they are next on the waitlist. In some cases, G230 Academy can enroll students who have not obtained their diploma and who have not been continuously enrolled in school after their 12th grade year.
For more information about G230 Academy – Pearson, please call the main number at (209) 574-8192, Option 4.
G230 Academy
Pearson Education Center
500 Locust St
Modesto, CA 95351

Non-Discrimination Policy
Modesto City Schools does not allow discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality/national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification/ethnicity, age, religion, marital status/ pregnancy/ parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, medical information or association with a person or group with one of more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Officer: Brad Goudeau, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Services, Modesto City Schools – 426 Locust Street, Modesto, CA 95351. Phone: 209-574-1598, Email: Goudeau.B@mcs4kids.com and Title IX Compliance Officer: Brad Goudeau, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Services, Modesto City Schools – 426 Locust Street, Modesto, CA 95351. Phone: 209-574-1598, Email: Goudeau.B@mcs4kids.com.